ROLL NO - 79

I was posted as intern in the department of GENERAL MEDICINE  from 12-02-2023 to 13-04-2023. During my tenure as intern i have been posted in  UNIT 1 for 1 month.  
15 days of peripherals which included ICU , NEPHROLOGY and MEDICAL WARD 
15 days in psychiatry department .


I have seen many cases in OPD with the help of my unit pgs and learned to approach and manage minor diseases 

 I have learnt about Respiratory and Abdominal clinical examinations and interpretation of xrays.

I have made following blogs during unit duties.

learning points:
how to approach a neck swelling case

How to approach dysphagia

Learning points:
 How to approach bleeding per rectum

Treatment for Tenia Cruris

Learning points:
Management of GERD

Learning points:
Causes of Lipoma and its Management 

 Learning points:
Use of SAAG  in diagnosing ascites

Causes of ascites

Learning Points:
Use of SIRS Criteria in ruling out Sepsis
Role of drugs in causing gastroenteritis

 I also made soap notes and updated in concerned pajr groups and also updated fever chart.
During unit duties I have learnt how to approach chest pain SOB ascites and learned about young onset of Hypertension. 

In casualty i took  ABG samples, learned to inserted a cannula.

 I learned how to put a condom catheter 

I also had drawn venous blood samples 

I had seen how a USG guided ascitic tap is done

I had seen how a Renal Biopsy is taken

I had seen and done aseptic dressing for diabetic foot

Learning from ICU and AMC Duties:
On the very first day i learnt CPR  and also did DEFIBRILLATION with help of DR NISHITHA maam

I put foleys catheter to both male and female patient

I took multiple ABG samples from both radial and femoral arteries and also inserted a cannula

I have seen how Intubation is done and how a Central line catheter is inserted
I monitered vitals of the ICU patients and AMC patients

Learnings from Ward duties:
I had attended rounds with Pgs and Faculty
I had learnt how  to insert Ryles tube for the first time 

I had learnt about approach and treatment of Acute Pancreatitis 

Learnings from Nephrology duties:

I learned how to do a ascitic tap 
I had learnt about acute presenting symptoms of the CKD patients who need dialysis like SOB,sudden increase or fall in Hypertension and complications of dialysis need for their monitoring 

I did vitals monitoring of the patients before and after dialysis

I also did CPR in my nephrology duty

Learnings from Psychiatry postings:
I have seen history takings of depression anxiety and alcohol dependence syndrome.

I visited deaddiction centre and learned about deaddiction program 


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